Lord Our Righteousness

A Registered International Religious & Charitable Trust

Regd. 4743

"The Ministry of LORD's Grace and Kindness"

Our Mission

LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS has been taking care of the people of different villages who are looking for a person who can guide them and tell them about our LORD and savior JESUS CHRIST. Our mission is to pray for the sons and daughters of our LORD JESUS CHRIST facing different problems in their lives. We go among such people and we talk to them, we counsel them and pray for them so that they can come out of their different problems they are facing in their lives. LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is working among the people of our LORD for spreading the Word of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Coming together is a great way for each of us to grow in our faith. Reading our bibles and praying are great ways to get closer to God. God gives us a gift of learning and growing when we come together in fellowship. We show each other how to live as God wants us to live, and how to walk in His footsteps. LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS has been working among the people of our LORD who are poor, needy, depressed, people who are suffering from different kind of diseases etc. We have been performing our various Social Works like providing free meals; free clothes, free stationery, free blankets, free sweaters and organizing free medical camps and providing free medicines among all the poor and needy people of villages, rural areas etc. and also among all those who are mentally and physically unfit. Our mission is to work for the growth and development of the society. We want to improve the living conditions of people especially living in villages and rural areas. We want to make them aware of the facilities provided by our government like in the fields of education, farming etc. We want to try and educate each and every person especially women. Our mission is to brighten the future of the children of our nation. Children are the future of a nation. For an emerging country like India, development of underprivileged children holds the key to the progress of the nation itself. But education for children cannot be achieved without ensuring the welfare of the family – a child can go to school regularly only when the family, particularly the mother is healthy and empowered; the family has decent livelihood opportunities and a steady income. LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is serving the poor and needy people of different places. LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, serves hundreds of people with free blankets in areas such as villages, rural areas etc. We distribute blankets with a message of love and care. We provides blankets to everyone like homeless and impoverished etc. Our mission is to provide free meal to the poor and needy people of different places as a healthy diet is one that helps to maintain or improve overall health. LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS with a heart for serves the poor and needy population in different areas. Our goal is to meet the needs with adequate clothing for different seasons and weather. Our mission is to provide healthcare services to meet the immediate health care needs of the marginalized community in villages, remote rural areas and slums through standalone camps. All the missions, vision of LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS can be achieved by the collective efforts and mutual understanding.