Lord Our Righteousness

A Registered International Religious & Charitable Trust

Regd. 4743

"The Ministry of LORD's Grace and Kindness"

About Us

Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold. Acts - 4 : 34 Prayer Tower:- Our ministry is registered by the name "LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS" and through which we want to build Lord's Shrine in the form of a prayer house and it will be in Udaipur. A place established by our LORD, where the Holy Spirit resides and a place in which presence of our LORD is always there. Name of our LORD will be there forever and mighty work of our LORD shall be done from there. According to 2 Chronicles 7:16 LORD has chosen it and His eyes and His heart will be there perpetually. Let us make ourselves polite and humble so that we can enter in it and may get the Holy Spirit. As every person that enters in it will receive the Holy Spirit. For Youngsters:- Remember your creator In the days when you are young. Lord has stated each first born as Holy. And His order is to place every first thing in front of Him. The age for the youngsters to work is 25 years. And it has said that they must preach His work of salvation every day . (1 Chronicles 16:23). JESUS CHRIST also; started His work at the age of 30. According to John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” According to this verse Word is coming right from the beginning and LORD is with us. To read the Word that is Bible is very important for us, as when we’ll read it (the Word) only then we can go closer to our LORD. It is written in Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he who reads, hear and keep the Word. Word is a guide for us that’s why the one who wants to read it but can’t purchase it they can contact us Food and clothing for poor and needy:- According to Matthew 6:31 we must not worry about us instead we must help those who are helpless and weak and are in the search of the kingdom of our LORD. As it is written that we must help all those who are weak and helpless. Deliverance from evil and devil spirits:- Victory on evil spirit is a sign that satain is defeated. JESUS CHRIST gave His power to His followers also so that they may also rebuke the evil spirits. And He gave them the ability to make out that the work that is going on is through the evil spirit or through the spirit of our LORD (1 Corinthians 12:3). Healing:- In our Bible we can see many promises related to healing. In Old Testament we can see that a promise of healing and protection was given to the Jews. JESUS CHRIST has stated healing, as a sign of a person that believes. Through whipping of our LORD JESUS CHRIST we got healed. JESUS CHRIST healed His people so that they may know Him and may grow closer to Him. Miracles:- The first preaching of Gospel became stronger through miracles. And through miracles the glory of our LORD was shown. Miracles of JESUS CHRIST had shown that He is the Son of our LORD and the power of our LORD flows into Him. Miracles were done to make the faith of the believers stronger. Miracles were done to bring back the weak believer who is a lost sheep of Israel. LORD has anointed His people and has filled them with His power to bring back the lost sheep. Holy Oil:- Holy Oil is used for healing and for anointing. Today also by applying Holy Oil and praying, diseases are healed and also it is used for salvation. Cross:- On Cross JESUS CHRIST has defeated saitan. It is symbol of demolition of our old sins. By looking at cross saitan runs away. Everyone must remember the pain that JESUS CHRIST has gone through on the cross so that he may bring himself closer to our LORD, and he should always be ready to give Him all the glory. Holy Spirit:- Holy Spirit is the spirit of our LORD. When we receive JESUS CHRIST then we receive the Holy Spirit. Receiving Holy Spirit is nearly equal to receive the LORD. JESUS CHRIST also wants that nobody should lose his hope and we are also trying that you all may know JESUS CHRIST. Holy Spirit helps the people of our LORD in spreading His Gospel. It is very important to have the Holy Spirit in our lives because without the Holy Spirit we are nothing. Spiritual Meetings :- Lord Our Righteousness is a ministry which has been established by our LORD. A ministry that spreads the gospel among His people, gives right knowledge regarding our LORD, that shows the right way of salvation, how to live a spiritual life etc. Through these meetings we personally talk to everyone and we try to explain them everything. Prayer Request Form:- Prayer Request Form are planned for children, youngsters, for family blessings, and for elders. So that prayers may be done by your name every day. Prayer Partner's sends your prayers to our LORD. They daily pray for you all so that you may grow spiritually. Working Area:- Work area of Lord Our Righteousness covers different cities and villages of India . Preparation of the Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST:- The Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST is just as His people are waiting. This day LORD will fulfill all His plans. On second coming everything will be completed like victory on sin, death and saitan, salvation of His people, giving gift of eternal life, healing of physical world and establishment of our LORD's kingdom. Related to all this, a warning has given to us that how our life should be. At the end when LORD will destroy all His enemies, and all the evil things then He will be happy that the victory that He has got has an effect on this whole world. (‘The LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS’ Jeremiah 23:6) 24 hours Prayer:- Through this ministry we and our Prayer Holders are ready 24 hour's to pray for each and every problem of your's. You can contact us any time on our given numbers.